Who are The Middle Way (MDW) Changemakers?

The Middle Way Changemakers are people who are willing to develop themselves to be more peaceful and hopeful. They wish to create impactful change in oneself and others, and strive towards more sustainability in the world. They will develop themselves through The Middle Way Education to attain Healthy Body (PQ), Caring Heart (EQ), Intelligent Mind (IQ) and Enlightened Spirit (SQ). From personal transformation they could inspire others and create interpersonal transformation that could lead to societal transformation, which are Holistic Humanity, Livable Environment, Harmonious Society and Inclusive Economy.
Why do we need MDW Changemakers?
According to the Global Risk Report 2024 from The World Economic Forum, some of top 10 global risks are climate change, misinformation and disinformation, lack of economic opportunity and societal polarization. Though we are more connected than ever by global advancement in technology, there are still so many unsolved problems in the world.
The Middle Way Changemakers are people who are driven to create solutions for the global community. Through various meditation practices and wisdom trainings, The Middle Way Changemakers will work together as a great team to find the solutions needed to make Global Happiness and Well-being a reality.
What are the benefits to MDW Changemakers?​​​​​​

1. Develop your meditation experience.
Get more positive energy from serene & relaxing meditation practice with The Middle Way Community.
2. Develop yourself with meditation & habit tracker
Changemakers can develop the good habits and practice of The Middle Way Lifestyle.
3. Stay physically healthy
Studies have found that those who do volunteer work have a lower mortality rate than those who do not. Doing volunteer work also reduces symptoms of chronic pain and decreases the risk of heart disease.
4. Increase Self-Esteem
Your role as a changemaker can give you a sense of joy and confidence. The better you feel about yourself, the more likely you will have a positive view of your life and future goals.
5. Counteract the stress and make yourself happy
The social contact aspect of helping and working with others can have a profound effect on your whole psychological well-being. Nothing relieves stress better than a meaningful connection to another person. Moreover, research measuring hormones and brain activity has discovered that being helpful to others delivers tremendous pleasure. The more we help others, the happier we feel.

6. Explore your interests and passions
The precious assets that you will get from being a Changemaker are strengthening your passion, attentiveness, and positive attitude.
7. Learn new skills from others and share yours with the community
Changemakers can learn new skills from other community members and can share skills they already have to benefit the greater community.
8. Increase your social and relationship skills
The Changemaker team will give you the opportunity to practice and develop your social skills. Since you are meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests, you will gain momentum. This makes it easy to branch out and make more friends and contacts.
9. Share your knowledge and kindness via online platform
Through the online Changemaker system, you can connect with people of all ages, races, religions and those with no religion, from your devices wherever you are in the world. For The Middle Way Changemaker, kindness is not limited by location.
10.Provide a sense of purpose in life
People of all ages can find new meaning and direction in their lives by helping others. Whatever your age or life situation, Changemakers can open the gateway to purposeful living and add more zest to your life.
How to become an MDW Changemaker

Categories of Changemakers?