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Image by Xuan Nguyen



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The Middle Way Education (MWE) is created for the hope that one day, when all individuals realize how connected and interdependent we are, we will have a holistic humanity that will join hands to foster livable environment, harmonious society and inclusive economy. That one day will come when we could share this ancient wisdom of relevance to kids, teenagers, adults and seniors. When the momentum of wisdom is strong enough, we could envision The Middle Way Policy to cover all schools, universities and offices. And when all individuals at schools, universities and offices bring MWE to their respective homes and practice together with their families, the hope of Global Happiness and Well-being will become a reality.


Chart 1: Expanded The Middle Way Education

Chart 2: The Middle Way Education for Global Happiness and Well-being

The Middle Way Education (MWE) is a systematic, simplified and result-oriented platform of the Buddha’s Teachings. It is originated from the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness (Jattari Sati-patthana) which was recorded in Pali, a language of ancient India during the Buddha’s time. It consists of Kaya (Body), Vedana (Feeling: Heart), Citta (Mind) and Dhamma (Truth: Spirit). 

Chart 3: 4 Foundations of Mindfulness 


 Chart 4: 4 Components of Life

MWE aims to develop these 4 components of life to their full potential which are Healthy Body (PQ), Caring Heart (EQ), Intelligent Mind (IQ) and Enlightened Spirit (SQ). In order to holistically benefit from the Buddha’s Teachings, MWE will guide learners through simple but profound practices to develop the 4Ls of Great Skills: Live well (Body), Love well (Heart), Learn well (Mind) and Let go well (Spirit).


Chart 5: 4 Qualities of Great Life


Chart 6: 4Ls of Great Skills

For each individual to live a good life in this world, we can not only focus on developing ourselves. As humanity, we are connected and related in many ways environmentally, economically and technologically. The wildfire that breaks out in one country can send the smoke far and wide to many countries. The economic crash in one region can send the downturn to many parts of the world. The new technology born in one company can affect the habit of millions of kids worldwide. If humanity is fragmented, whether by nationalities, races or religions, we will not be able to cooperate well to overcome global issues like unlivable environment, divisive society and exclusive economy. We are confident that when every individual, from ordinary citizens to leaders of nations, unlock these 4 qualities of great life, it will help foster a holistic humanity leading to livable environment, harmonious society and inclusive economy.


Chart 7: Problematic World


Chart 8: Great World

MWE has three main curricula to support this noble transformation of humanity. Three main curricula of MWE are Wellness Education, Kindness Education and Wholeness Education. In comparison to the modern education system, Wellness Education is similar to a bachelor’s degree in goodness. Kindness Education is similar to a master’s degree in goodness. And Wholeness Education is similar to a Ph.D. degree in goodness. The Middle Way Education is designed to directly stimulate The Middle Way Transformation. Wellness Education will enhance personal transformation. Kindness Education will enhance interpersonal transformation. Wholeness Education will enhance societal transformation. These 3 consecutive steps of transformation will ultimately lead to Global Happiness and Well-being.


Chart 9: The Middle Way Education


Chart 10: The Middle Way Transformation

Wellness Education


Wellness Education is based on the Noble Eightfold Path (Ariya-Atthangika-Magga), which can be summarized into Threefold Training (Ti-Sikkha) including Discipline, Meditation and Wisdom.


Chart 11: Wellness Education


For Discipline, we look into Five Virtues (Panca-Sila) to form the universal and simplified formula for discipline called Universal Goodness 5 (UG5) including Cleanliness, Orderliness, Politeness, Punctuality and Concentration.

Chart 12: Universal Goodness 5

For Meditation, we look into Five Hindrances (Panca-Nivarana) to produce five ways to purify the mind. They are called the 5Cs of The Middle Way Meditation, including Commitment, Comfort, Consciousness, Consistency and Consideration.


Chart 13: 5Cs of The Middle Way Meditation

For Wisdom, we look into 4 Teachings of the Buddha to shape the 4Qs of Wisdom. For Physical Wisdom (PQ), we connect to Factors of Long Life (Ayuwattana-Dhamma). For Emotional Wisdom (EQ), we connect to Bases of Empathy (Samgaha-Vatthuni). For Intellectual Wisdom (IQ), we connect to Bases of Success (Iddhi-Pada). For Spiritual Wisdom (SQ), we connect to Sublime States of Mind (Brahma-Vihara).

Chart 14: 4Qs of Wisdom

We have designed Wellness Education into 2 programs. The 7-Day Wellness Program for The Middle Way Friends and 7-Day Wellness Program for The Middle Way Changemakers. We wish all to experience personal transformation.


Chart 15: Expanded Wellness Education


Chart 16: Personal Transformation

Kindness Education


Kindness Education is based on 10 Bases of Meritorious Action (Dasa-Punna-Kiriya-Vatthuni), which can be summarized into 3 Bases of Meritorious Action (Ti-Punna-Kiriya-Vatthuni) including Giving, Ethics and Meditation.


Chart 17: Kindness Education


For Giving, we apply 3 factors of the 10 bases of meritorious action to create the practice of Caring Giving which are Generosity, Sharing Merit and Rejoicing in Other’s Merit.

Chart 18: Caring Giving

For Ethics, we apply the next 3 factors of the 10 bases of meritorious action to create the practice of Caring Ethics which are Precepts, Humility and Service.


Chart 19: Caring Ethics


For Meditation, we apply the last 4 factors of the 10 bases of meritorious action to create the practices of Caring Meditation which are Mental Development, Listening to Dhamma, Teaching Dhamma and Straightening One’s View.

Chart 20: Caring Meditation

We design Kindness Education into the 8-Week Kindness Program for The Middle Way Leader. We wish all The Middle Way Leaders to strengthen interpersonal transformation.


Chart 21: Expanded Kindness Education


Chart 22: Interpersonal Transformation

Wholeness Education

Wholeness Education is based on 10 Perfections (Dasa-Parami), which can be summarized into 3 Whole Qualities of the Buddha (Ti-Buddha-Maha-Kunna) including Whole Peace, Whole Wisdom and Whole Compassion. 


Chart 23: Wholeness Education


For Whole Peace, we apply 3 of the 10 perfections to create the practices of Whole Peace which are Morality, Renunciation and Truthfulness.

Chart 24: Whole Peace

For Whole Wisdom, we apply the next 4 of the 10 perfections to create the practice of Whole Wisdom which are Wisdom, Perseverance, Resolution and Equanimity.


Chart 25: Whole Wisdom

For Whole Compassion, we apply the last 3 factors of the 10 perfections to create the practices of Whole Compassion which are Generosity, Patience and Loving-kindness.

Chart 26: Whole Compassion

We design Wholeness Education into an 8-Week Wholeness Course for The Middle Way Guide. We wish all The Middle Way Guides to enhance societal transformation.


Chart 27: Expanded Wholeness Education


Chart 28: Societal Transformation

Our address

14 West 86th Street, Apt #GF, New York, New York, 10024

Our contact

Tel: +1 (929) 257-7899


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