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3 ways how to harness the Power of the Mind

Writer's picture: MDW MediaMDW Media

by by Kosal Ley May 21, 2019

He showed me that nothing is impossible that you can attain it if you really want.

“If you want to attract something in your Life, you need to understand what that frequency is that you want and then change the energy in your body to match that frequency. And when you do, you attract that.”

A lot of people that talk a lot about the law of attraction and stuff, but they don’t really understand it or explain it properly. And I think sometimes the new age world can just get away by saying all kinds of “Oh, The law of attraction … Do this and do that and it will all attract into your life.” But there is no practical step to actually understanding the science of how these things work. But once you really understand it and put the hard work into it; these amazing tools have been around for millenniums and monks have been using them for thousands of years.

1. Positive Words

Concise choice of positive words, clear visualization, and feeling. And feeling being the most important component because feeling is emotion and emotion is energy and energy is magnetic. Tesla had the saying: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Everything is made up of energy and that energy is vibrating at a certain frequency. And your job is to match the frequency of what you want because that’s harmony.

2. Think Interm of Frequency

If your team here can match your frequency, then you’re all in alignment and on the same page and then you work together. It’s like a flock of birds that just flow in harmony. You see them flying in the sky… they never crash into each other, they all fly in harmony.

It’s like the old radios, right?

You tune it, the station is 74.5 FM and if you get to 74.4 FM, you get static and music. 74.6, static and music; 74.5, perfect music; 74.2 just the static, so your goal is to tune your energy to match the frequency of what you want. And that is when attraction comes. Concise positive words, clear visualisation, and corresponding feeling. The feeling is emotion and when I say corresponding feeling, If you want something, you need to match the frequency with what you want. So remember Tesla said, “think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

3. Concentration

Concentration is a science and an art. A science because of the clear steps that you need to take, to work towards a goal, and art because it requires repetition and practice. So I always say that concentration is a science and art. Learning how to concentrate, you have to understand the mind, right? So, as I shared before, you’re not the mind, you’re purely awareness, moving to different areas of the mind. And I define concentration as my ability to keep my awareness on you for an extended period of time until I make a conscious choice to shift it to something else.

So most people allow someone or something else outside of them to control where their awareness goes. So I’m chasing with you, my phone goes bing, I pick it up and my awareness gets right there. Another notification comes, my awareness goes there. I  hear a noise out there, my awareness goes over there. So my ability to keep my awareness on you or something for an extended period of time is my ability to concentrate. Your whole day needs to be filled with rituals and you need to look at your life the same way. An Olympian might look at his or her life, where their whole day is filled with rituals. In the monastery, we mediate as group for 1 hour a day. That’s all the meditation. People always think that monks meditate all day, and they’re slowly sweeping the sidewalks, but we don’t. We meditate 1 or 2 hour a day, and what are we doing the rest the day? The master taught us to practice concentration, Not to practice mindfulness, practice concentration. So if you’re speaking with another monk, you give that person your undivided attention. That’s what we practice all day  and think people take a different approach, right now.

They think “if I meditate for 10 minutes in the morning, I am good, I’m zen, and the rest of the day I can do just whatever I want to do.” And the rest of the day is constant multitasking, so I’m doing many things at once, in a poor way.

So what do you become good at? You become good at whatever it is your practice. Because practice doesn’t have the ability to discriminate between what’s a positive practice and what’s a negative practice. So if you practice something negative all the time, you become really good at it. So if you practice distractive all the time,  10 hours a day, what do you become good at after 6 months? Distraction. And anybody practices anything for 10 hours a day, they become really good at it. And the truth is, we have 24 hours in a day, most people sleep what … 7, 8 hours, so you are awake for 16, and now in the 16 hours, are they only practicing distraction for 7, or 8 hours? Probably more like 13 or 14 hours a day, they’re practicing distraction. So if you do that 7 days a week … Imagine if you’re practice playing the piano for 14 hours a day, 7 days a week? How good you would be after 6 months? So, how good are people at distraction? If you look at most people out there, They are the master of distraction. They’ve mastered the art of distraction.

These people are to be acknowledged and respected because the dedication and devotion they have given to the art of distraction. And they don’t even know. That’s why I really harp on understanding mind first and then learning to concentrate. Because I feel that if humanity can learn to do this, they can be better athletes, better artists, better martial artist, better singers, performers, sport people, engineers, doctors, because the centre of success is your ability to harness the power of mind and direct it in a single point of focus one stable long enough so you can come with solutions to create beautiful things. But if you can’t concentrate, you can’t do any of these things. And we can’t solve the problems of the world.

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Namitron Owatsarn
Namitron Owatsarn
Feb 10, 2024


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